- Newspaper
- Newspaper reading rate
- Regularly read daily newspapers
- Read daily newspapers at regular intervals
- Regular weekly newspapers read
- Read weekly newspapers at regular intervals
- Regularly read sections of the newspaper
- Tagged with time allocated for reading in the daily and weekly newspapers
- Newspapers often when and where they choose to read
- Magazine
- Magazine reading rate
- Regularly read weekly magazines
- Read weekly magazines at regular intervals
- Regularly read monthly magazines
- Read monthly magazines at regular intervals
- Tagged with weekly and monthly magazines in the time allocated for reading
- Magazines often when / where they prefer reading
- Television Viewing Habits
- National TV channels viewing habits
- Channels are at least 1 time per day
- Overall audience share of national TV channels
- Television viewing hours on weekdays
- Weekend television viewing hours
- Average daily TV viewing rate
- Watched TV programs on a regular basis
- Yesterday watched TV channels
- The most common channels
- The most common channels (assisted reminder)
- Morning / afternoon / evening / night / prime time hours of TV channels
- TV channels at different times
- Regularly watched TV channels
- Channels which can be viewed on ads nature
- The graded the program as TV channels
- Scoring of topics as TV channels
- Scoring for the overall success of the TV channels
- Evaluation media
- Cable TV Channel Monitoring Habits
- Channels are at least 1 time per day
- Cable TV channels are generally observed rates
- TV viewing hours on weekdays
- Weekend television viewing hours
- Average daily TV viewing rate
- Watched TV programs on a regular basis
- Yesterday watched TV channels
- The most common channels
- The most common channels
- Morning / afternoon / evening / night / prime time hours of TV channels
- TV channels at different times
- Regularly watched TV channels
- TV channels which can be viewed ads nature
- The graded the program as TV channels
- Scoring of topics as TV channels
- Scoring for the overall success of the TV channels
- Evaluation media
- Digital platforms in TV viewing habits
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package broadcast channels (movies and series)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package channel broadcast (sports)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package channel broadcast (documentary)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package broadcast channel (child)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package channel broadcasting (news)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package broadcast channel (life-style)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package broadcast channels (national)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package broadcast channel (Selections from the world)
- General evaluation of the flow in the standard package broadcast channel (music)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (movies and series)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (sports)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (documentary)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (child)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (news)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (national)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (select from worlds / life-style)
- Category of the standard package channel rates are generally monitored on the basis of (music)
- Overall assessment of the flow channel broadcasting standard package
- TV viewing hours on weekdays
- Weekend TV viewing hours
- Average daily TV viewing rate
- TV Total in the house
- Watched TV programs on a regular basis
- Yesterday watched TV channels
- The most common channels
- The most common other channels
- Morning / afternoon / evening / prime time / night followed in the hours of TV channels
- TV channels at different times
- Regularly watched TV channels
- TV channels which can be viewed ads nature
- The graded programs on TV channels
- Scoring of topics as TV channels
- Scoring for the overall success of the TV channels
- Evaluation media
- National TV channels viewing habits
- Radio Listening Habits
- Weekday hours listening to the radio at home
- Radio listening hours of weekend home
- Weekday hours listening to the radio at work
- Radio listening hours on weekend work
- Weekdays in the car / radio listening hours on the road
- Weekend in the car / radio listening hours on the road
- Total listening hours on weekdays
- Total listening hours last week
- To be published in the desired radio station music genres
- Preferred music genre in Turkish music radio broadcasting
- Preferred type of music in foreign music broadcasting radio
- Preferred (Turkish music broadcasting) radios
- Regular rest (Turkish music broadcasting) radios
- Preferred (the foreign music) radios
- Regular rest (of foreign music) radios
- The most popular programs on the basis of ranking Sponsors
- Most popular software vendors ranking
- Most popular news program rankings
- Most admired “native” music program rankings
- Most admired “foreign” music program rankings
- Listening frequency of the types of programs broadcast on radio
- First registered on the car stereo memory 6 (domestic / foreign music that) radio station